28 November 2007

my life...bulleted

  • some of my automatic responses (IE. "wait!" "no!" "hurry" "let's go," "how are you," etc.) now come out in arabic.....even in my dreams.
  • i'm feeling as though i'm lacking challenge in my life, which inevitably means i'm feeling a bit un-inspired. inspire me...please
  • there are NO craft stores, thrift stores, walmarts, or safeways....duh
  • i almost got fired (slightly exaggerated) from my volunteer job for "negligence" in one of my kindergarten classes. some kid poked (or stabbed depending on how you look at it :) another kid with a pencil...but when the principal found out the real story, she pretty much put her hand to the face of the kid's furious dad. it's all fine...now.
  • my third official tahd-eesa came today. tahd-essa comes from the word for "stapler"...it's arranged marriage egyptian style - staple two people together whether they like it or not. but today, i found out that i would like it. i even got to see pictures. supposedly, my colleague's mom would love me....just like she does...just like her 24 year old brother would. hmm..arab men - not too shabby...let me think about it........thanks, but no thanks. flattering, nonetheless.
  • i almost spent L.E. 70 for a jar of salsa and a bag of chips...yum, chips and salsa. but i didn't. oh yeah, L.E. 80 = $16....that's a fortune here....
  • i think i'll be a preschool or kindergarten teacher when i grow up
  • a few of the younger boys (pre-k age.)are being a bit too friendly.....maybe my next lesson will be on the birds and the bees......that would be hilarious. oh those poor, little kindergartners...if i lived in a movie, i'd totally do it.
  • my roommate had her HAND hanging out of the taxi window and the driver came extremely close to some guy bending over and she almost SMACKED THAT on accident. i almost died of laughter.

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About Me

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Hawaii, United States
trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
O, dreadful is the check — intense the agonyWhen the ear begins to hear and the eye begins to see;When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again,The soul to feel the flesh and the flesh to feel the chain. - Emily Bronte, "The Prisoner