22 November 2010

Cut and paste.

Life before cut and paste? I can't remember it. Typing, re-typing, or...writing and RE-WRITING? Wow. What a chore.

I'm amazed at how our minds function and the capacity we have to learn, think, remember, forget, communicate, and feel. And the ability we have to create "commands" such as Cut and Paste, Undo, Copy...and then create shortcuts for these already ingenius short-cuts (Control X, Control V, Control Z, Control C).

Ever wonder if we will ever discover a way to short-cut ourselves out of life? I mean, I can express a thought on paper, then with a few clicks, save, upload, email, post, and reproduce copies around the world in under a minute.

Write a letter with a pen and paper once in awhile, read an article printed on paper, call a friend for directions instead of mapquesting! Life is a process. Love, joy, relationships, it all takes time, and with all our short-cuts, let's not forget to endure the process so we don't cut ourselves short on life, on living.

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Hawaii, United States
trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
O, dreadful is the check — intense the agonyWhen the ear begins to hear and the eye begins to see;When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again,The soul to feel the flesh and the flesh to feel the chain. - Emily Bronte, "The Prisoner