08 October 2007

you want a grape....how bout'a date, eh?

6 October work for you? it sure works for these fantastically entertaining egyptians! for those of you not familiar with this date and its significance to my new frieds, a quick google search can enlighten you to the irony of their celebration.
my weekend started on thursday when i missed my bus to school. oops. but it's really not my fault. the bus came early. no complaints here, i took advantage of this unexpected freedom. then i joined my fellow teachers in the breaking of the fast (it's ramadan). then i embarked on a journey with some friends to enjoy TCBY. trust me, it's NOT This Country's Best Yogurt!!!! at least i know for next time.
my weekend extended through sunday because saturday was a holiday. weekends can be quite confusing here. a weekend is either friday and sunday or friday and saturday....so i got it all off! sweet is an understatement :)
my social networking continues successfully to extend into various communities with people of varying perspectives on life. when someone here considers you a friend, you REALLY ARE A FRIEND....not any of this, well, "let's be friends but not friends friends (i.e. bestest buddies)." friends are friends.
i had a short conversation with one of my taxi drivers (in arabic, of course)....that was exciting. i lied...it was
okay, i think that's enough excitement to last awhile. i'm going to be quite the busy bee the next ten days or so......so if you don't hear from me for awhile, just wait longer! :)
oh, and dad, you'd be so proud. i went bowling and got 6 spares and 2 strikes! ok, ok...don't get too excited...it's embarassing.
until next time, blessings on you, and THANK YOU for everything....really!

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Hawaii, United States
trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
O, dreadful is the check — intense the agonyWhen the ear begins to hear and the eye begins to see;When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again,The soul to feel the flesh and the flesh to feel the chain. - Emily Bronte, "The Prisoner