04 March 2008

there's always a story....

i love stories. i enjoy hearing stories and telling stories..........there's always a story.

but today, no story. just the details:

FACT: My wallet went MIA somewhere between the backseat of a taxi on Sherda Hegez and my flat.

FACT: My passport and ALL my money were (are?) snuggly tucked in my wallet.

FACT: On my way to apply for a new passport, the Metro Station worker threatened to bring me to the police (like I said, there's always a story).

FACT: I am so blessed! My friends and family are more than I could ask for! THANK YOU for everything.......you know who you are. I cannot clearly articulate my appreciation (even if I mastered the art of emoticons :)

There are moments when I want to go out on my balcony and inform my whole neighborhood of my presence (Maybe a sweet seranade or a simple, loud YELL!).....

It'd go something like this:


Okay, so maybe it's more like a rap, but there you have it...that's the "song" I'd graciously seranade my neighborhood with in a sorta yell rap. At this point, all I can do is laugh. The situation isn't the most humorous, but there's only so much I can do -- laughing and moving on is one of them.

I really am grateful for all the encouraging emails many of you have sent throughout these past months!

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About Me

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Hawaii, United States
trying to define yourself is like trying to bite your own teeth.
O, dreadful is the check — intense the agonyWhen the ear begins to hear and the eye begins to see;When the pulse begins to throb, the brain to think again,The soul to feel the flesh and the flesh to feel the chain. - Emily Bronte, "The Prisoner